Okay okay - I know that people make fun of New Year's resolutions. I myself have never been much of a resolution type. In fact, even as...

Quilty Problem Solving in Real Life
Been working on several different projects lately, and all of them are presenting challenges. I do love a good problem to solve - it's...

scary stuff
At the moment I'm taking a free motion quilting class. It's called Graffiti quilting (by Karlee Porter). I missed the first hour of the...

Too Many Ideas - Is That Even a Thing?
I'm finally able to work on quilting projects (a little at a time) again after my shoulder replacement surgery. I made the odd choice to...

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat, Laugh More and Live Longer
Every one is interested in being healthier, feeling more energetic and having more positivity in life - am I right? (Yes, I am.) Well, I...
Bounce: Mistakes were made
I just finished a quilt I'm calling Bounce. I believe Bounce is the most challenging quilt I have ever made. (Yeah, and I kind of...

Inset Circles Gone Wrong! (And how to make them right again)
I'm been working feverishly on a quilt recently. I was using the Root fabric line by e. bond that I had been saving for a year, looking...

Creatively Challenged
I saw a little piece of art at my bank, an art print. One of the things I liked about it was the placement of the circles - they weren't...

To Save, or Not to Save? That is So NOT the Question!
In general, I'm not a collector, a hoarder, or a person who saves a lot of stuff. At least once a year I go through my closets, drawers,...

Why? A (mini) Existential Crisis
I've been doing applications to enter some of my work in shows recently, and I don't know about other people, but this often puts me in...